Margaret Jane Franklin-Martin, MA, Educator, Devoted Wife, Loving Mother, Sister and Daughter, succumbed to complications associated with pancreatic and ovarian cancer and passed away Sept. 12, 2021 at Providence Portland Medical Center in Portland, Oregon.
Margaret was born March 19, 1948 in Walla Walla, Wash., to John and Gloria Franklin (Powell), and is survived by her husband, Terry Martin; daughter, Dr. Drew Martin; mother, Gloria Franklin; and two younger sisters, Chris (Tim) Pacheco and Jeanne Irving (Franklin).
With a keen interest in pursuing a career in education like her mother, following graduation from McLoughlin High School (Mac-Hi) in Milton Freewater, Ore., Margaret headed to Moscow, Idaho and the University of Idaho to begin her undergraduate studies. She joined the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and was very active in campus life. Margaret went on to complete her Bachelor's Degree at Portland State University and begin her career as an educator in Oregon. Later in life, Margaret completed her Master's Degree in Reading Literacy at Lewis & Clark College with her daughter, Drew, in tow for many classes.
On March 18, 1979 Margaret married her high school sweetheart Terry Martin who had graduated from the United States Naval Academy and was in the process of pursuing a career as a Marine Corps fighter pilot. They moved around extensively during the early years of their marriage to accommodate Terry's various postings, making homes in Arizona, California, Oregon, and Virginia. On Sept. 21, 1982 they welcomed their daughter, Lauren Drew Martin, while Terry was stationed in Monterrey, Calif. The family eventually settled back in Oregon City, Oregon, long term, when Drew reached school age, while Terry completed his commitment to the military.
While Margaret started her career as a teacher shortly after finishing undergrad as a middle school teacher in Milwaukie, Oregon, she took a prolonged hiatus to raise her daughter and take care of the homestead during Terry's years of service. After Drew entered high school, Margaret eagerly returned to teaching as a middle school teacher at St. John the Apostle in Oregon City and then Christ the King in Milwaukie, Oregon. Margaret completed her career back at St. John the Apostle with a focus on middle school science and math curriculum. She was an avid proponent of STEM education and associated programs and advocated for them in her various positions later in her career.
Margaret was a multi-media artist at heart and an avid crafter in her later years with a particular penchant for making lovely hand-crafted, themed wreathes, handmade gifts and holiday decorations. There was not a square foot of her home without a seasonal pop of color and Michael's craft store was like a second home. She enjoyed using natural objects, especially rocks, wheat and pine cones, to create beautiful art and decorations for her home and the homes of her family members. Her creative spirit and unique perspective will be missed.
Growing up Margaret always loved animals and her family had a variety of dogs and other pets. Later in life she and Terry had three toy poodles, Sparky, Peppy and Boom Boom as well as her horses, Blitz and Roladon (Donny) in addition to a myriad of feline companions. After the final move back to Oregon City on their 5 acre farm, the Martin household continued to be a beacon for "dumped" cats and dogs in need of forever homes (including Mary Ann, Stormy, Rex and many, many more). After the passing of her horses, Margaret started a herd of wool breed sheep and angora goats enjoying the sheering, cleaning, processing and spinning of their wool and mohair. In her later life, through natural attrition, the animal menagerie was reduced to a handful of well-loved cats including Leo, Spicy, and Jack, then those that survived her, Nikki, Bart and Toby. All her animals were incredibly lucky to have such a dedicated, loving caretaker that always put their needs first. Her surviving fuzzy felines will miss her constant care, affection and love.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Oregon Humane Society and Cat Adoption Team (CAT) in her name.
Updated: March 06, 2022
Curator: Ed Moore